Please use the following form to order your personalized copy of the MMTAS R1.1 courseware. Simply fill in the information and click on the "Send It" button, your order will be processed, and you will be returned to the MMTAS information page. Thank You.

Courseware: MultiMedia Technical Awareness Series (MMTAS) Release 1.1
Price: $99 per person for CD only, $149 per person with testing package
Check here to order CD only ($99/person)
Check here to order CD and testing package ($149/person)
Number of copies desired (individual licenses):
Plus: $7.00 shipping and handling per CD if sent regular mail or $14.00 shipping and handling if sent Fedex standard overnight
check here to send Fedex standard overnight (shipping and handling will be $14)

Please Check the name of the operating system running on your PC where the courseware will be installed:
Windows 95
Windows 98
Window Me
Windows XP
Windows NT
Windows 2000

Please complete the following fields. The invoice will be sent to your email address, and the CD will be sent to the address you specify here:
Job Title:
Phone # :
(Please note: E-Mail address is required for order confirmation).

Please provide special billing or shipping instructions here:


Email Us